Fee Schedule
Application Fee | RM 1, 000 |
Registration Fee | RM 3, 000 |
Year Group | Fee Per Term (RM) |
Nursery | 5, 411 |
Reception | 5, 411 |
Year 1 | 7, 800 |
Year 2 | 7, 800 |
Year 3 | 11, 655 |
Year 4 | 11, 655 |
Year 5 | 11, 655 |
Year 6 | 11, 655 |
Year 7 | 14, 805 |
Year 8 | 14, 805 |
Year 9 | 14, 805 |
Year 10 | 16, 600 |
Year 11 | 16, 600 |
Important Notes:
- Application Fee: Payable upon submission of an Application form. This fee is not refundable nor transferable.
- Registration Fee: Payable upon receipt of the letter of Offer. This fee is a one-off payment, not refundable nor transferable.
- The deposit is to be topped up as the student progresses according to the year level. It is non-transferable but refundable, provided that one FULL term's written notice of withdrawal in advance is submitted to the school.
- All fees must be paid before the commencement of the academic year. These fees are not refundable nor transferable and they cannot be prorated.
- Tuition Fees are payable termly. There are three (3) terms in an academic year.
- Tuition Fees are invoiced termly. These fees are payable on or before end of current term.
- All fees are subjected to review and the management reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions.
Payment methods and banking details :
Payment can be made by either one of the following methods:
Cash / Crossed cheque / Bank draft / Online / Telegraphic Transfer.
Cheques Payable To | Rafflesia School (Puchong) Sdn Bhd |
Bank Transfer | For payment made Online or via Telegraphic Transfer, please use the following bank details |
Account Number | 23000010293 |
Bank Name | Hong Leong Bank Berhad |
Swift Code | HLBBMYKL |
Contact Details |
Rafflesia International School Puchong Persiaran Sierra 2, Bandar 16 Sierra, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +603 8953 9088 |
Please forward a copy of the transaction report to the School's Finance Office via email [email protected] stating name of student and year group.