Fee Schedule

Application Fee RM 1, 000
Registration Fee RM 3, 000
Year Group Fee Per Term (RM)
Nursery 5, 411
Reception 5, 411
Year 1 7, 800
Year 2 7, 800
Year 3 11, 655
Year 4 11, 655
Year 5 11, 655
Year 6 11, 655
Year 7 14, 805
Year 8 14, 805
Year 9 14, 805
Year 10 16, 600
Year 11 16, 600

Important Notes:

  1. Application Fee: Payable upon submission of an Application form. This fee is not refundable nor transferable.
  2. Registration Fee: Payable upon receipt of the letter of Offer. This fee is a one-off payment, not refundable nor transferable.
  3. The deposit is to be topped up as the student progresses according to the year level. It is non-transferable but refundable, provided that one FULL term's written notice of withdrawal in advance is submitted to the school.
  4. All fees must be paid before the commencement of the academic year. These fees are not refundable nor transferable and they cannot be prorated.
  5. Tuition Fees are payable termly. There are three (3) terms in an academic year.
  6. Tuition Fees are invoiced termly. These fees are payable on or before end of current term.
  7. All fees are subjected to review and the management reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions.

Payment methods and banking details :

Payment can be made by either one of the following methods:
Cash / Crossed cheque / Bank draft / Online / Telegraphic Transfer.

Cheques Payable To Rafflesia School (Puchong) Sdn Bhd
Bank Transfer For payment made Online or via Telegraphic Transfer, please use the following bank details
Account Number 23000010293
Bank Name Hong Leong Bank Berhad
Contact Details

Rafflesia International School Puchong Persiaran Sierra 2, Bandar 16 Sierra, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia

Tel: +603 8953 9088 
Handphone: 019 279 9088
Website: www.ris.edu.my
Email: [email protected]


Please forward a copy of the transaction report to the School's Finance Office via email [email protected] stating name of student and year group.