Alumni Adventures

We are always delighted to hear from our former students. Andrea Peter graduated from Rafflesia International School Kajang in 2019, achieving 8 IGCSEs, including 4 at A*. During her time with us, Andrea developed excellent leadership skills through her active involvement in co-curricular activities, as being captain of Phoenix House, which she led to victory in the school’s swimming gala. Here is Andrea’s story of her achievements since she left Rafflesia.

“My name is Andrea Peter, former student at Rafflesia. This July would mark one year since I graduated from high school. Since then, I’ve travelled to many different countries, made new friends, learned new skills and discovered so much more about myself. I’ve also recently been accepted into the University of Mary, North Dakota, USA to pursue Clinical Psychology this fall. I am the first Malaysian to be accepted into the University.

Ever since I was 15 years old, I was certain that Psychology was the field I wanted to be in. Apart from getting accepted into UMary, I’ve also received two scholarships. The first scholarship was attained due to my academic performances. I obtained the second scholarship by participating in a competition the university hosted. 39 students participated and I was the only international student to take part. I managed to win 2nd place out of four winners. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would qualify for a scholarship, let alone two.

None of this would’ve have been possible without hard work, the support from family and friends and the education and opportunities that I received at Rafflesia. Some of the greatest memories I have were made with my friends within the walls of this school. From lunch time catch-up sessions to playing netball. Studying at Rafflesia contributed greatly in shaping me into the person I am today. It is an honour to have once been a part of Rafflesia. Even though things are uncertain now, I am still very grateful for all that I have been blessed with. I’m truly excited to begin my life at UMary. I am hopeful that everything will fall into place. It’s definitely going to be an interesting journey!”

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